SunlightDPD is
a home for open source software related to the dissipative particle
dynamics (DPD) simulation method.
Hypernetted chain (HNC) integral equation code
>>> JUNE 2015: development has now moved to <<<
You are of course welcome to use and modify this code for your own projects.
If you end up publishing results based on this code, or a derived
version, please cite :
- Screening properties of Gaussian electrolyte
models, with application to dissipative particle dynamics,
P. B. Warren, A. Vlasov, L. Anton and A. J. Masters,
J. Chem. Phys. 138,
204907 (2013).
If you have difficulty getting hold of this article, contact me
and I will send a reprint. Alternatively, a preprint version can be
found at arXiv:1303.0891
Here is a BibTeX entry for the same :
author = {Warren, P. B. and Vlasov, A. and Anton, L. and Masters, A. J.},
title = {Screening properties of {G}aussian electrolyte models,
with application to dissipative particle dynamics},
journal = {J. Chem. Phys.},
volume = {138},
pages = {204907},
year = 2013
History :
- v1.0 - initial file release, supports hyper-netted chain (HNC),
- v1.1 - add support for random phase approximation (RPA) as a
simplified case,
- v1.2 - add support for EXP improvement to RPA.
- v1.3 - add published URPM examples - see
J. Chem. Phys. 138, 204907 (2013).
- v1.4 - add scripts relating to calculation of URPM phase boundaries.
Simulation codes
MB-MPDyn is forked (with permission) from the original
version - see CVS
repository, whilst we sort out an initial file release.
SunlightDPD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
SunlightDPD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details. You should have received a
copy of the GNU General Public License along with SunlightCBM. If not,
see <>.
Copyright is retained by the individual authors. Please feel free
to get in touch if you want to discuss
licensing arrangements.
Integral equations : Andrey Vlasov, Lucian Anton, Andrew
Masters, Patrick
MB-MPDyn : Wataru
Shinoda (original code), Ard van Bergen (Novidec) for modifications.
Contact : patrick.warren{at}
(sourceforge project admin)
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Resources Ltd
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